Bikeoutlet Bikeoutlet Bikeoutlet Bikeoutlet Bikeoutlet Bikeoutlet Bikeoutlet Bikeoutlet Bikeoutlet
Bikeoutlet Bikeoutlet Bikeoutlet Bikeoutlet Bikeoutlet Bikeoutlet Bikeoutlet Bikeoutlet Bikeoutlet

Shipping & delivery

We accept online orders and deliver to all countries in the list below.

We offer shipments with UPS, GLS or FedEx, depending on your choice and the delivery country. The package is insured with a tracking number. You can find your tracking number in the mail and text you receive after the purchase.

You will get noticed via email and SMS when your package has been delivered to your destination address. The courier will try another delivery attempt if you are away from home on the delivery time. If you are away the second time, the package is out for delivery, you will need to pick it up at the nearest Drop Point.

Our shipping prices are based on the package's total volume weight and are set from our cost price, including fuel fee. You can see your shipping price in the checkout after you have filled out your delivery information.

Countries within the EU will receive free shipping on orders above 160€. (Only our cheapest shipping method will be free.)

Please notice that if your destination country is outside the EU, you will have to pay your local duty fees before you can have the package delivered.

Read about Brexit details if you order from the UK here.

Our couriers

This is the list of our couriers and services you are able to choose between:

Courier Service Destination Delivery time
UPS Standard Europe home, business or drop point See list below
UPS Expedited Outside Europe, home or business See list below
UPS Worldwide Saver Worldwide home or business 1-3 days
UPS Express Worldwide home or business 1-2 days
FedEx International Economy Worldwide home or business See list below
FedEx International Priority Worldwide home or business 1-2 days

    Countries list

    Below you can see the 75 countries we accept orders from. The delivery time is only an estimate and not a guarantee. All the countries are with home or business delivery as the default delivery type.

     Country Delivery time (Economy) Drop Point?
    Andorra 3-4 working days
    Australia 5-9 working days*
    Austria 2-3 working days Yes (156)
    Belarus *Suspended
    Belgium 2-3 working days Yes (978)
    Bosnia & Herzegovina 4-6 working days
    Brunei 5-9 working days
    Bulgaria 6-7 working days
    Canada 5-9 working days*
    China 4-8 working days*
    Colombia 4-8 working days
    Croatia 4-5 working days
    Cyprus 5-9 working days
    Czech Republic 2-3 working days Yes (18)
    Denmark* 1-2 working days Yes (1.500)
    Estonia 3-4 working days
    Finland 3-6 working days* Yes (89)
    France 2-4 working days Yes (3.793)
    Germany 1-2 working days Yes (3.056)
    Gibraltar 4-5 working days
    Greece 5-7 working days
    Hong Kong 3-6 working days
    Hungary 2-3 working days Yes (4)
    Iceland 4-6 working days
    India 4-6 working days
    Indonesia 5-8 working days
    Ireland 4-5 working days
    Isle of Man 5-7 working days
    Israel 4-6 working days
    Italy 2-6 working days* Yes (2.095)
    Japan 3-6 working days
    Jersey 3-4 working days
    Kuwait 2-5 working days
    Latvia 3-4 working days
    Liechtenstein 2-4 working days
    Lithuania 3-4 working days
    Luxembourg 2-3 working days Yes (10)
    Macao 3-6 working days
    Malaysia 3-6 working days
    Malta 4-6 working days
    Mexico 4-6 working days
    Moldova 4-6 working days
    Monaco 3-4 working days
    Montenegro 4-6 working days
    Morocco 4-6 working days
    Netherlands 1-2 working days Yes (970)
    New Zealand 5-9 working days
    North Macedonia 4-6 working days
    Norway 1-6 working days* Yes (35)
    Oman 2-5 working days
    Pakistan 4-6 working days
    Philippines 4-7 working days
    Poland 2-3 working days Yes (1.203)
    Portugal 4-5 working days Yes (98)
    Qatar 4-8 working days
    Romania 3-5 working days*
    Russia *Suspended
    Saudi Arabia 2-5 working days
    Singapore 4-6 working days
    South Africa 5-8 working days
    South Korea 3-6 working days
    Slovakia 2-4 working days
    Slovenia 2-4 working days
    Spain 3-5 working days Yes (1.381)
    Sweden 1-6 working days* Yes (255)
    Switzerland 2-4 working days Yes (105)
    Taiwan 3-6 working days
    Thailand 3-6 working days
    Turkey 4-8 working days*
    Ukraine *Suspended
    United Arab Emirates 2-5 working days
    United Kingdom 3-5 working days* Yes (2.921)
    United States 2-4 working days*
    Vatican City 3-5 working days

    *Some larger countries can have different delivery times within the same country (as USA, China, etc.), depending on which area of the country the delivery destination is.

    *Please note that Russia, Belarus & Ukraine are temporary suspended due to the current situation in Ukraine.

    Can't find your country or do you experience any issues with your delivery? Please feel free to contact us at if you have any questions.

    Customer care

    Do you need help?

    We have many years of experience within cycling. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

    We answer emails within 24 hours.